Saturday, March 5, 2011

After a Car Accident: How to Get Your Car Insurance Claims

Found on and brought to you by Car Repair Salinas

Posted by Julie Sommers on Mar 4th, 2011 and filed under Insurance.


People who have been in a car accident may well be under intense shock. Yet, one shouldn’t forget the basics. One should be aware of the things that you need to do whenever an incident like that ever happens. It’s the only way where you can get enough compensation to cover any damages that resulted from an accident.

First and foremost, always make an appointment with your doctor, as he may assess you for any injuries that might result from the accident.

Always be ready with pictures and other data from the accident, as this will be your basis for car accident claims.

If you do end up getting injured from an accident, and would consider suing the other party, always remember to think about your decision. You can seek recommendation from your family or your friends.

If your car requires repair, note that you aren’t required to get repairs done at the insurance company’s shop. You will need to have it checked though, because they need to assess the overall damage and how much it will cost. You may then choose a repair shop of your own, and the insurance company will pay the repair shop for you, minus the deductible. Usually they will pay the repair shop based from the amount that needed to be fixed. But if it costs more, you insurance company may probably try to work something out.

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